
About Me

I sense that I am called. In the Bible the command is clear to go into all the world
  • to make disciples of all nations
  • to baptize them in the name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit
  • teaching them to obey everything that Jesus commanded
This blog is an attempt to share the Good News that Jesus Christ paid the price to redeem my relationship with God, the Father. 

I learned to love Jesus very young, and in the last seven or so years I have come to a deeper understanding of just how amazing God's love is towards me. I desire to leave a legacy of truly walking by faith, and pleasing God in this faith walk.

This blog is a way for me to share the story of my walk as I discover the Faith of God. In Mark 11:22 commands us to, "have the faith of God". This faith moves mountains and with this faith whatever we ask for in prayer it will be granted to us. 

It is my desire to seek the message of the Cross and discover all that God has purchased for me in Christ's sacrifice on my behalf. The Covenant is so much more than I have understood.

In my original post here at the Faith Project Blog I described the foundational statements for the Faith Project:
  • God is who He says He is
  • God can do what He says He can do
  • I am who God says I am
  • I can do all things through Christ
  • The Word of God is alive & active in me
There is a stirring in me that this is important. I believe the Holy Spirit saying that the deeper discovery of each of these is critically important, and the sharing of what I find is my calling, my direction.

Let me end this with a quote from Bill Jonson's book, When Heaven Invades Earth:
Many misunderstandings come when we pursue what others ignore. I could not limit my values and pursuits to what makes others comfortable. Being possessed by a promise I live without options. I will spend the rest of my life exploring what could happen through the life of one who is willing to cultivate the God-given appetite to see impossibilities bow to the name of Jesus. All my eggs are in one basket. There is no “Plan B.” And it’s from this posture that I write.
In His Service, humbly before Him I stand...listening...

Melody Campbell